Change a Pet’s Life Day

Change a Pet’s Life Day

January 25, 2023

We love that there is a day to recognize and celebrate when a pet’s life is changed after they are brought into a home and how they changed the lives of their families. Here are some stories about the pets that our team members provide care for.

Parkside Animal Care CenterParkside Animal Care Center - Green Bay, Wisconsin
These lucky pugs are patients at Parkside Animal Care Center. Biscuit is a mommy’s girl and doesn’t let her go out of her sight. She was the first pet in the family and holds a special place in their hearts. They have had Lewis since he was a puppy and is the sweetest of the bunch. Dalila was a rescue and came from a breeding factory in Mexico. She is deaf and has one tooth. At first she was very unsure of everyone, but quickly adapted, fits in perfectly with the family, and is loved like no other. Their mom says, “I’m so happy to now have 3 pugs! Makes our family so whole.”


Taylor Brook Animal Hospital Taylor Brook Animal Hospital - Auburn, Maine
This client of Taylor Brook Animal Hospital shared his story about his dog Bai. She has crossed the rainbow bridge, but she is always in the thoughts of her family. He shared, “Bai was perfect from day one! She knew how to make me calm down. She would hit me and make me sit down and pet her ‘till I calmed down. Always by my side! She trained me well on when she needed a treat. Bai, you were just so perfect. They broke the mold when they made you.”


Royston Animal HospitalRoyston Animal Hospital - Royston, Georgia
A client of Royston Animal Hospital posted that she had five furbabies, “All of them have taught me so much and changed my life for the better.” Shown here are two of her dogs along with a friend. Falkor (middle) was adopted from a rescue after he was removed from a hoarding situation in 2019. Chakotay (right) was set to be put down when his mom saw him in the back of a truck in a parking lot. She took him home right then and there and says it was the best decision ever. Because of her awesome rescues, she is now involved with a rescue for special needs dogs.


Silver Springs Animal Wellness CenterSilver Springs Animal Wellness Center - Glendale, Wisconsin
Kitty is seen here living her best life and looking for a belly rub. It is hard to believe she came from a rescue and her past life involved neglect which caused deformities in her back legs from being in a small cage. She was also malnourished and mistreated, but you would never know it! The team at Silver Springs is so glad to see her when she visits, she brings joy to everyone she meets.


Rae-Zor Grooming Boarding and DaycareRae-Zor Grooming Boarding and Daycare-Sanford, North Carolina
The team at Rae-Zor decided to recognize Change a Pet’s Life Day by organizing a food and supplies drive to benefit Heavens Home Rescue. The organization specializes in saving dogs that have a low probability of being adopted or saved by other rescues. We are happy to report that the donations have been pouring in and they are so grateful to all of those in the Rae-Zor family.



Check out our last blog post to see some of the beautiful faces of our patients.

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