Local Tech Training Provides In-Person Teaching

Local Tech Training Provides In-Person Teaching
In person training for techs takes off.

July 22, 2022

Many of our veterinary technicians take part in ongoing training while they are in a practice to extend their skill set. The training also increases engagement in their practice and provides a connection to the latest improvements in providing quality care. Keying into the needs of our technicians and the importance of training, VetCor has started in-person sessions in one of our regions. The sessions are led by Sarah Farina, LVT, Courtney Woodard, LVT, and Jessica Timmins, LVT/HM who, combined, have nearly 50 years of experience.

Sarah started tech training prior to the pandemic. At that time she was visiting practices on her own and providing individualized training based on specific locations' needs. Over the past two years, her training switched to videos to continue to provide material to our techs at the start of the pandemic. Currently, Sarah is happy to say she is back to in-person training and has a great team with her that walks the techs through a robust and progressive curriculum. She visits practices in her region, with different practices acting as hosts for the sessions. Attendance has been steady, they have received great feedback, and the participants have shown their excitement to learn different techniques from fellow techs in the VetCor network. 

This past May, they kicked off a four-part series of sessions where they touched upon all the major tech areas. Session one was restraint, blood draws, anal glands, basic TPRs, fecals, and blood smears.  Session two was IV catheter placement and taping, IV fluids and fluid rate calculations, fluid pumps, and the anesthesia machine and how it works. Session three will be surgery monitoring. Session four will be based on the feedback from the group at the end of session three but the focus may be on radiology. Sarah points out, “[This] training is different than research they can do because it's coming from technicians with real-life experience that are currently working in the field. We offer a small group setting where they can ask questions and we do hands-on things.”

Our network of passionate veterinary care providers is robust and we are humbled by their dedication to sharing their knowledge and expertise. Exciting things are to come with this technician training and we can’t wait to hear the next update.