Paper Lite Replaces Paper Life

Paper Lite Replaces Paper Life
Going paper lite for the environment and to improve efficiency

April 10, 2023

Our paper lite initiative is going strong as it nears its three year anniversary. With Earth Day around the corner, let’s check in on the latest with the paper lite team.

Being paper lite means taking advantage of existing practice software to replace paper records with electronic records. Over 40 hospitals transitioned to paper lite in 2022.  So far this year the team has helped 12 hospitals make the switch. 

The benefits of going paper lite include:

  • Increased efficiency
  • Time savings
  • Cost-effective
  • Improved client and staff communication
  • Environmentally friendly
  • And it's appealing to prospective employees!

The paper-lite team has their sights on making a big impact in 2023. Since hospitals save at least $450 per month in supplies and at least one hour per day per doctor or team member, they hope to get more hospitals on board.

The whole process takes about six weeks and includes weekly calls that cover everything from specific practice software details to how to engage the whole team in the process. Marge Solar, CVPM, Hospital Manager at Animal Medical Centre of Medina shared that “They (her team) were worried they would miss critical information without the paper charts. Making the transition over the six weeks, making small changes at a time, changed their minds. We felt prepared after the six weeks of training and calls to make the switch.

The paper lite team is led by Jennifer Weitzel, Director of Operations, who coordinates a group of champions that help make the transition as smooth as possible. The team helps with ongoing support and advice. Anicia Smith, Hospital Manager, East Holmes Veterinary Clinic said, “Jen Lyons, (our) leader in the process, was always available to ask questions to and gave updates to the staff on Slack.” That level of availability helped ease the level of anxiety the hospital team at East Holmes was feeling. Anicia also added, “Once you do it you look back and say, that was easy."

If you want to learn more about going paper lite at your hospital talk to your Regional Manager about getting in touch with Jennifer Weitzel.