Let’s Celebrate!

Let’s Celebrate!

July 5, 2023

Our teams know the importance of pausing and celebrating. It is one way to boost morale and shift perspectives. Read on to find out some of the holidays and milestones that our hospital teams and service centers participated in.


Port Cities Animal HospitalPort Cities Animal Hospital - Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Port Cities Animal Hospital asked their clients to share their favorite photos of their pets to celebrate Pet Appreciation Week and they weren’t disappointed. This is just one photo of over 50 that were shared. Sophie, Phoebe, and the Holy Terror aka Wyllow are patients at Port Cities and they love Dr. Angie. Their parents appreciate everyone at the hospital for their patience and understanding with this trio.


Companion Animal Hospital of WallerCompanion Animal Hospital of Waller - Waller, Texas
It is fun to see when our hospital teams set up photobooths for their patients. At Companion Animal Hospital of Waller, 4th of July celebrations began in June when they started snapping pics of all the pets that came in for a visit. This is Apollo and Echo—their love for their vet team runs as deep as their patriotism.


South Bay Veterinary HospitalSouth Bay Veterinary Hospital - Olympia, Washington
The team at South Bay Veterinary Hospital chose to celebrate their 20th anniversary in a very unique way. They opened their doors and welcomed the community in to view presentations and demonstrations from their staff. This included displays about dentistry, vaccines, pregnancy, and dog behaviors. Their clients were very impressed, and the team had as much or more fun as their visitors. What a way to celebrate 20 years!


Cat Care of Rochester HillsCat Care of Rochester Hills - Rochester Hills, Michigan
Welcome Allistair Jamiraquoi to the Cat Care of Rochester Hills. The team celebrated him as an addition to the team by introducing him as an 18 week old who loves to wrestle his brother, Knuckles, and play in his cat tunnel. The team loves having Allistair around, he is crazy, hilarious, and never stops purring. We can’t wait to see more kittens like Allistair on National Kitten Day next week.


Norwell and Olympia Service CentersNorwell and Olympia Service Centers
Our service centers got together to celebrate Pride Month in their communities. Norwell, Massachusetts had many local hospitals join service center staff at an open house to play lawn games, take part in a raffle, and, most importantly, get to meet everyone face to face. Olympia, Washington team members participated in their local Olympia Pride event. They had amazing weather and embraced the energy and sense of community.


Don’t forget to check out the new faces that our practices welcomed in our last post!

Keep up with us on Facebook to see how our teams are making a difference in their communities every day.