Remote Work: Meeting Practice and Personal Goals

Remote Work: Meeting Practice and Personal Goals
Making the most of remote work

May 25, 2022

Remote work continues to be a great solution for some of our practices. As workloads grow, remote work has become an option to help save time and offer a change of pace for staff. Take a look at these team members who are currently working remotely and see how they are able to ease the burden of the practices and feel more satisfied in their jobs.

Pet Hospital of Willoughby’s Hospital Manager, Kellie Wilkinson, started working remote hours earlier this year to perform various hospital manager and vet tech tasks. As Dr. Tannuzzo began taking telemedicine appointments, Kellie started to support those cases remotely as well. Kellie currently splits her time 60/40 between in-office and remote work. Kellie will make pre-visit calls for Dr. Tannuzzo and schedule follow-up appointments while the in-hospital staff will fill prescriptions and perform any testing or treatment necessary. She is happy to see that having a telemedicine option has helped the practice maintain its clientele. Working from home allows Kellie to focus on finishing tech school while still being an effective HM and tech at the practice.

Dr. Siuty started working remotely full-time in November of 2021 at Green Bay Animal Hospital in Wisconsin. As a remote doctor, clear communication with clients is key, just as it is in person. Having a list of what foods and medications are in stock at the practice makes it easy to prescribe without looking at the shelves. She has a tech that acts as her point person for follow-up in-office treatment which ensures an easy transition of patient care. She recognizes that being remote actually helps deliver care to patients who would rather not drive to the practice and that it eases the load for in-person staff. Dr. Siuty encourages any doctors considering working remotely to reach out to their Chief of Staff and Regional Manager to find out more, especially if it could make a difference in efficiency at their practice. She also hopes, on a larger scale, that remote work can bring DVM’s that have stepped away from practice for a variety of reasons, to come back to the profession.

If you have any questions about remote work within the VetCor network, please reach out to your Regional Manager. They will connect you to Jennifer Weitzel, who organizes and fields questions about remote work and supports our remote workers. Though working remotely isn’t the right fit for everyone, it is always good to know your options.