HMLife Update

HMLife Update
HMLife helping VetCor's Hospital Managers

April 24, 2023

HMLife offers VetCor’s hospital managers the opportunity to start their careers off on the best foot, to continue learning, and to connect with their peers. HMLife began with hospital manager (HM) onboarding in 2021 to help managers start their role equipped with the resources they need to succeed. HMLife launched on Facebook just over a year ago as a way to connect HMs across all of our hospitals to share work hacks and offer relatable advice. The HMLife team continues to adjust their initiatives to better meet the needs of our hospital managers and plans to continue to evolve.

HM onboarding is an eight-week session that is offered each quarter. Liz Brooks, Regional Manager, joined the onboarding team at the beginning of 2022, and by the end of the year she officially took over the reins and now leads the calls and manages the onboarding team. Liz explains the calls as “a great resource for new, newly promoted, and even experienced hospital managers that offers a platform to learn the HM role alongside their peers. It allows HMs to share best practices or even daily obstacles that others can validate and help work through. It gives context to the HM responsibilities and supports learning how to be successful in the role.” 

The HMLife team has gotten some fantastic feedback from those that have gone through the training. When asked what she liked most about it, trainee Alexis from West Shore Animal Clinic said, “How the trainers take their time in explaining each topic and if we ran out of time allowed us to email them directly or they took note and would get back you with an answer in a timely manner.”

The HMLife Facebook group has gained momentum! Being able to post ideas and questions and get nearly immediate feedback is invaluable. HMs have most recently shared their hospital’s National Veterinary Receptionist Week celebrations, giving others new creative ideas. There are also posts that help with more of the day-to-day challenges, such as thoughts on having a cleaning and maintenance guide.

Having HMLife is important for building a strong community, sharing resources, and developing our HMs. If you have questions or would like to be a part of the HMLife community, check out HMLife on Facebook.